Skin Biopsy & Surgical Excisions

What to expect when having a biopsy

A biopsy involves taking a small sample of the skin (usually 2 or 3mm) so as to determine the nature of a specific spot or lesion on the skin.

A biopsy is a very simple, quick and straight forward procedure undertaken in our consultants procedure room. A small instrument is used to take a core specimen (usually 3-4mm in size) of the lesion after a tiny amount of local anaesthetic is injected into the skin. A single suture is usually required so as to avoid scar formation.

Once completed, the biopsy specimen is sent to a pathologist for examination and diagnosis. The result of the biopsy is sent electronically to your dermatologist and will determine whether you need further treatment of your lesion.

If you have not heard from the practice within 7 working days of having a biopsy please contact our rooms on (02) 9958 1555.

Simple Surgical Excision

A simple excision involves removing your skin cancer or lesion and repairing it in a “side to side” fashion. This is performed using local anaesthetic and usually results in a straight scar placed in the direction of skin tension.

The size of your scar will depend on the size of your lesion. Usually the length of the scar is 3 or 4 times the width of the lesion. The number of sutures required is determine by location and size of the lesion. This is a straight forward procedure that is commonly performed in our practice procedure rooms.

Complex Surgical Excision

A more complex excision of an area of the skin usually requires that a “flap” is required to repair it. A “flap” is when tissue is taken from a local surrounding area and moved to where tissue is missing. A flap is required when the area that has lost tissue and is too big to bring the edges together. The flap will help a wound to heal much faster and will also reconstruct the area so it is more aesthetically pleasing.

Sometimes a skin graft may be needed to repair a larger surgical defect. In this instance some skin is taken from another part of the body (such as behind the ear or from the front of the thigh) and used in another part of the body where tissue is missing.

Both of the above procedures are performed under local anaesthetic for your comfort within our procedure rooms at Northern Sydney Dermatology or at a hospital depending on the size of the area involved.

Post-Surgical Care for Excisions

A dressing will be applied to your wound following surgery and you will be given post operative instructions on how to take care of your specific wound. Post operative care will vary depending on the procedure performed. Please contact our rooms and speak to our experienced nursing team if you have any concerns on (02) 9958 1555.

The infection rate at Northern Sydney Dermatology & Laser is tracked and is negligible. We take pride in going above and beyond to achieve our standard of quality care.

Book in for a Consultation with one of our Dermatologists below.

If you have already had a consultation with one of our Dermatologists, and are ready to book in your Laser Treatments, please phone: (02) 9958 1555.

All medical and cosmetic procedures involve some risks. The information provided here is for general educational purposes only. The results achieved for patients in before and after pictures are individual and may not be achievable for you specifically. For specific advice regarding your situation, please book an appointment at NSDL.